Thrivin' on the Drive for over 30 years
Paranada Traders
Our goal at Paranada is to offer our customers earth-friendly and stylish garments and accessories that are handcrafted by artisans from Nepal, India, Thailand, and Indonesia.
Store Hours
Sunday-Friday: 11:00am - 6:00pm
Saturday: 11:00am - 7:00pm
We are located at 1505 Commercial Drive, Vancouver, BC V5L 3Y1.
Contact us at 604-255-3600
We're looking forward to your visit!
The Paranada Experience
Paranada continues the strong tradition of working with the local people in Rajistan, India, Nepal, and Indonesia. We produce clothing, hats, and bags from natural fibre materials. Our hand-block prints are done with natural vegetable dyes on hand woven or power loom materials. We carry an array of cotton, silk, hemp, rayon, banana, and flax fibres.Every year since 1988, the owner has gone to India, Nepal, Indoneisa, Thailand, and other countries to hand-pick the materials. We are proud of our environmentally sustainable garments and accessories. On average, we have worked alongside our tailors for around 20 years. We take great care of them in order to produce the best products for you in small batch quantities. This way we do not over-produce unnecessarily which would be detrimental to the environment.This product innovation is crucial to the sustainability of our model in a competitive world.